Sentineo is proud to present its IOT Academy hosted together with Telenet Business. During three intensive days of workshops, attendees will be given a business overview on Internet of Things and will gain technical experience with NB-IOT and LORA hardware prototyping.

Check out the agenda below and please visit for more details and registrations. The Sentineo team is looking forward to meeting you!




10h Welcome & business perspective: “IOT: the time is now”

10h30 The promise of IOT: trends, market overview & use cases

12h Lunch break

13h Overview of low-power technologies (Wifi, BLE, Sigfox, LORA, NB-IOT, LTE-M)

14h Implementation options & design choices

15h30 Conceptualizing your idea, scaling your prototype

16h30 Q&A

17h Close

19h IOT Academy meetup



10h Intro & welcome: trends, use cases & technology overview

10h30 Deep dive into NB-IOT & LTE-M technologies

11h30 Technical hands-on session 1: remote environment monitoring example (temperature, humidity & pressure)

13h Lunch Break

14h Technical hands-on session 2: GPS tracking example

15h30 IOT backend application integration options, using various platforms

16h30 Q&A

17h Close



10h Intro & welcome: trends, use cases & technology overview

10h30 Deep dive into LORA technology

11h30 Technical hands-on session 1: flooding prevention example on remote location

13h Lunch Break

14h Technical hands-on session 2:

16h IOT backend application integration options, using various platforms

16h30 Q&A

17h Close