
Sentineo featured on national TV

Sentineo – Octave cooperation Business TV coverage on Octave partnership The Belgian national business TV channel ‘Kanaal Z’ reported on our successful collaboration with Octave. The journalist emphasized the development of Sentineo’s advanced custom battery management system (BMS), which ensures the performance and safety of second-life vehicle batteries integrated into Octave’s smart energy solutions. A […]

Sentineo featured in Solar Magazine with unique Octave project

Sentineo – Octave cooperation Sentineo featured in Solar Magazine with unique Octave project Solar Magazine has published an article featuring the cooperation between Sentineo and Octave on the unique Octave development of the energy storage system using second-life battery modules from electric vehicles. The development of the custom BMS (battery management system) is highlighted in […]

Sentineo and Octave collaborate on smart energy solution with second-life electric vehicle batteries

Sentineo – Octave cooperation Jointly developed battery management system (BMS) controls the performance and safety of battery racks containing second-life battery modules from electric vehicles Octave provides businesses with modular and sustainable solutions for behind-the-meter energy storage. Seeking specialized BMS electronics expertise for a smart energy solution, Octave found an ideal partner in Sentineo. The […]

Demystifying Electronics Design: 5 Essential Tips for Startups and Innovators

Are you a startup founder or an aspiring innovator with a vision for groundbreaking electronic products? The world of electronics design may seem like a complex labyrinth, especially if you don’t have an engineering background. But fear not, because in this blog post, we’re here to guide you through five invaluable tips that will demystify […]

Free Mini-Guide: Electronic Hardware Design for Start-Ups

If you are a start-up company looking to realize your idea into a real electronic product, you have come to the right place. We have made a short mini-guide on electronic hardware design. This mini-guide is specifically aimed at founders of start-up companies that have the need for custom electronic design. Here are some topics […]

Customer Interview – Aptus

Sentineo is proud to have supported the Aptus team in its continuing effort to increase the efficiency and quality of embedded electronic hardware production. Piet sits together with Alexander Vanwynsberghe, CEO at Aptus, to discuss IOT solutions, the future of embedded hardware and the cooperation between Aptus and Sentineo. Interview in Dutch.    

Online Course Embedded Hardware Design

Very proud to announce that our Online Course is officially live! We will teach you our model for efficient embedded hardware design from idea to large volume production. Piet gives a quick overview of the Online Course in the video below. Want to give it a test ride? Go to: make a free member […]

Customer Interview – Bagaar

Sentineo is proud to have supported the Bagaar team in its continuing effort to increase the efficiency and quality of embedded electronic hardware production. Piet sits together with Jannes Van de Maele, CEO at Bagaar, to discuss the cooperation and to discuss the future of embedded hardware. Interview in Dutch.      

Sentineo and Telenet Business present: IOT Academy

Sentineo is proud to present its IOT Academy hosted together with Telenet Business. During three intensive days of workshops, attendees will be given a business overview on Internet of Things and will gain technical experience with NB-IOT and LORA hardware prototyping. Check out the agenda below and please visit for more details and registrations. […]

NB-IOT or LORA, which technology to choose for your next IOT device

NB-IOT and LORA are two popular technologies that can be used for IOT device connectivity. They have important similarities and differences. This article’s aim is to explain the basic concepts behind both technologies and help you understand the fundamental differences and trade-offs. After reading this, you should be able to take an informed decision to […]